A Look into Niagara's Local Music Scene

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wikipedia, refined

Wikipedia is a platform for information that many people use for different benefits. Without researching, it’s hard for me to compare the ways that I use Wikipedia to the ways in which others do. What I have found with many people I know that use Wikipedia, is that it is used as a starting point when beginning research. What I like to do is find a Wikipedia page on a topic and read what’s there to get a general idea of what it is I want to know. I then use the “external links” sections to seek out more credible information (so to speak) and scholarly articles that I can cite on my topic. 

While Wikipedia is user uploaded and edited content, it is still monitored by a group of administrators. And when you think about it anything user uploaded on a topic can be taken from anywhere on the internet. So when the one article talked about how wiki entries were very similar to other online encyclopedias such as Brittanica, it could be suggested that the users are using Brittanica as a main source. So couldn't we deem Wikipedia a collection of sources, which could infact improve knowledge on a topic. Where one source lacks, another source will make up for it, creating a more refined source of information. If there is multiple sources being used and administrators editing and watching for inconsisitencies in information, isn't Wiipedia, in theory, a better source for information?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Module 2 Summative Post

The feedback I received from my "I share, therefore I am" was expansive and enlightening. 
I received a total of 1 comment (expansive and enlightening right?) so I will do my best to reflect here on what my one respondent said. 

An interesting point of confidence building via social media was brought up, in reference to Turkle's idea of online alias' providing a chance for people to act out in ways that they normally wouldn't. I was asked: "Do you think there's a different between public and anonymous social media regarding confidence? Does Facebook make people more confident, or more depending on approval?"
I definitely think that there is a difference between public and private social media regarding confidence. Both boost or promote confidence but in different ways. Social media where real identity is used and your profile is a reflection of your true self seeks approval or confirmation of personal or physical characteristics one is insecure about. These public platforms give a safe area to upload or share content and if the response is not what we want or does not boost confidence it can be deleted and does not have to be faced again.
When dealing with anonymous platforms, the confidence we seek or build up is achieved through a different manner. The anonymity allows us to lie, exaggerate or fabricate ideas of ourselves and/or parts of our lives that we don’t like, or wish were different. Therefore I argue that public social media is an extension of our real selves (i.e Facebook or twitter) but anonymous or fabricated personal profiles are an area for an adjusted or idealized life for the user.                                                                 

Friday, May 17, 2013

S.C.E.N.E is fast approaching!

It's only 22 days away! If you're as excited as I am, you should buy your ticket soon on the website!

Every year Scene Fest always provides music lovers with a variety of genres and talent. This year there's LOADS of local talent! Check out some of these local acts and get your ticket and support them on June 9th!

Crystalyne: A pop punk quartet fronted by Marissa Dattoli, who always kicks ass and delivers a great performance.

American Hell: they will melt your face off. If you like punk rock, hardcore and metal, check them out!

My Son the Hurricane: this 14 member stage act mixes an 8 piece brass section with on stage antics to give an always exciting and energetic performance.

Lambs Become Lions: this local act is signed to Indoor Shoes (check out my post on websites to check out!), a local record label and promotions company, and always gives an intimate and dedicated musical performance. Definitely check this band out.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"I share, therefore I am"

I among many other million people in the world have and maintain almost daily a personal Facebook (FB) page online. Personally, I view my FB profile as a reflection of myself and value highly what people think of the information and material they see on it. As well, there is a defined boundary which I avoid at all costs to cross when it comes to disclosing my personal information and information that may implicate me in any way with employers and teachers, etc. For example, I do not post a relationship status, I do not post my address, and I do not post my age.
I found Demetri Martin’s satirical take on Myspace friends (which in theory is the same concept as having FB friends) very true, but it is also something I do not wish to experience online. I keep my connections on FB very limited to 200 or less, and if I have not met or do not know someone personally in real life, I do not connect with them. This is because of what I have aforementioned about keeping my personal information online limited. Limiting the audience of your content limits the amount of personal information being circulated against my will. 

Sherry Turkle outlined 3 very interesting and very true points (in my opinion) in her TEDtalk on why people use online social media. They were 1) we’ll have attention everywhere, 2) we’ll always be heard, 3) We’ll never have to be alone. 

At first glance, one could outright deny these statements because, let’s face it, they’re kind of embarrassing to accept. But aren’t they true? I can personally accept these statements as true to me, through the ways I use FB. I upload self-portraits to my profile for attention, and it would almost be ignorant to say one uploads photos of themselves just to save them there. We make photos of ourselves public because we want to know what people think of the way we look or receive praise and flattery that we wouldn’t normally get in out day to day encounters. 

As Turkle said in her TEDtalk, “[Social media] is changing how people think of themselves, it’s shaping a new way of being … I share, therefore I am.” If we don’t share content on our profiles, no one views them therefore we cease to have online presence.
When considering and understanding the uses and gratifications that come from using social media, Turkle makes an interesting statement that online social networking gives people the ability to reveal characteristics or personality traits about one self that would otherwise never be shared. Confidence plays a major role in the initial desire to use social media. 

So now I ask you for some comments! 

Do you feel more confident in yourself when using social media? Is it confidence in your appearance or personality that you seek or have, and why is it different from the way you present yourself in real life?



Cyberspace and Identity Sherry Turkle Contemporary Sociology Vol. 28, No. 6 (Nov., 1999), pp. 643-648 http://www.jstor.org.proxy.library.brocku.ca/stable/pdfplus/2655534.pdf?acceptTC=true

Sherry Turkle. The Flight From Conversation. New York Times Sunday Review. April 21, 2012 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/22/opinion/sunday/the-flight-from-conversation.html?pagewanted=all

Places we don’t want to go: Sherry Turkle at TED2012 http://blog.ted.com/2012/03/01/places-we-dont-want-to-go-sherry-turkle-at-ted2012/

Demetri Martin on The Daily Show:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Some pages to check out...

Here are some pages and websites to check out. They will provide you with many things; local concert listings, local talent, local promotions among other things!

 Indoor Shoes (Facebook page)

A local record label and promotions team. You may have attended one of their events and never even known! Perhaps the summer concert series at Mansion house in 2012? Check it out! There's always new updates.

C Niagara

Check out this website for info on local music along with local art, heritage and other events! Learn about the area you live in and what it has to offer you.

Music Niagara

Check out the 2013 festival and special events!

S.C.E.N.E Music Festival

A yearly tradition in St Catharines, SCENE fest offers a wide range of genres and opens up bars all across the downtown area. If you are looking for an intimate concert experience, or want to see the big name bands on the main stage for an outdoor concert experience rain or shine, this festival is for you!

Niagara Music Awards

The name says it all. The awards show recognizes all local talent across all genres and those people who not only play the music but help to create it and get it to the listeners.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Trending Hashtags


Who am I and why Niagara Music?

Let me tell you a little about myself and why I have chosen to explore and inform you about Niagara's music scene.

My name is Andrea Pilkington and I'm entering fourth year in Media and Communications. I'm interested in local music for many reasons. Music is and always will be a passion of mine. A close connection to the local scene is something everyone should experience. There are many benefits to the community that can grow from the local scene. For example, all ages shows include all members of the community and provide a positive space for expression and friendship.

The Niagara region is lucky to have a thriving and expanse music scene. Prevalence of music festivals (i.e. S.C.E.N.E Music Festival) and the inclusion of live music in most tourist events (i.e. Grape and Wine Festival) and bars/restaurants (i.e. regular music nights at Mansion House) all work together to promote the scene to those who don't seek it our or are unaware of it's existence altogether.

Throughout the span of the course this blog will showcase some of Niagara's local talent, follow and report on local shows, track current writing on the local scene (i.e. B-side Magazine) and examine various scholarly writing that exists on the local scene.

The purpose will be to hopefully stimulate interest in the scene, assess the benefits to the community, and ultimately describe the significance of a local music scene in any community.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013


Hey everyone, I'm Andrea Pilkington and this is my blog for COMM 2F00. I have chosen to explore the Arts & Music topic with a focus on Niagara's local music scene.