A Look into Niagara's Local Music Scene

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Who am I and why Niagara Music?

Let me tell you a little about myself and why I have chosen to explore and inform you about Niagara's music scene.

My name is Andrea Pilkington and I'm entering fourth year in Media and Communications. I'm interested in local music for many reasons. Music is and always will be a passion of mine. A close connection to the local scene is something everyone should experience. There are many benefits to the community that can grow from the local scene. For example, all ages shows include all members of the community and provide a positive space for expression and friendship.

The Niagara region is lucky to have a thriving and expanse music scene. Prevalence of music festivals (i.e. S.C.E.N.E Music Festival) and the inclusion of live music in most tourist events (i.e. Grape and Wine Festival) and bars/restaurants (i.e. regular music nights at Mansion House) all work together to promote the scene to those who don't seek it our or are unaware of it's existence altogether.

Throughout the span of the course this blog will showcase some of Niagara's local talent, follow and report on local shows, track current writing on the local scene (i.e. B-side Magazine) and examine various scholarly writing that exists on the local scene.

The purpose will be to hopefully stimulate interest in the scene, assess the benefits to the community, and ultimately describe the significance of a local music scene in any community.

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